Hey!! So fast holiday end already!!! I need more holiday and I'm still in a holiday mood lo!! Sigh!! I found a job le!! But haven't yet go for interview. I found the job in newspaper the i wrote it down on a piece of paper, It's called the "My Job List". Haha!! So Tuesday must go for interview at 2pm!! haha!!
Louise and Shirley object me going to work!! Because they afriad that my studies will flung!! I at first also don't want to work but whenever I asked for pocket money I will feel very useless and sad.. You know the feeling in your heart. It is so miserable!! And don't know what to do!! I know is normal to ask money from your parents or siblings but sometimes they will give you those faces. It's just make me sad and I can't take it!! Anyway thank you so much!! Love you two!!Haha
Yesterday NDP was all right la!! But still bored somehow cause i have nobody to talk too!! And I have two tickets plus another cause my friends family and friends busy so she gave it to me!! Ya and yesterday food sucks until people sick and one if them faint. I will shocked but there all right now!!
So sian tomorrow going to start school already!! And NAFA coming I don't running and somemore six round the stupid track T_T!!!
Haha!! ok I will share your some of my latest pictures taken by me:
Here enjoy!!

And tomorrow is Youth Day lo!! But we don't have holiday!! Where got like that one!! I want my Youth day holiday!!
Labels: Everyday is wonderful spoke by: Shu Min