Erm I not sure what to blog?? Maybe I'll talked about my magic box show!! Ok!! Last Tuesday, I went back home after school about 3plus. then I hurried up my to go take a break then had a bath!!! Then got to doll up after I watched TV for awhile!! While I walked around at home, my Grandma suddenly asked me this shocking question!! She asked "Why I wear so nice!! Is it going on date??". I was like "WHAT". No la then we laughed together!! WAHAHA!!
Ok then I left home at 6.45pm. Waited for bus to go there. Then when I reached Esplanade, then went up to the eslcalator to the Lobby. Then I saw Chloe haha!! Cos I was kinda for 10 mins!! Then when I first was my cluster member Diyana and one forgot his name!! I was like so happy!! And ran there and gave her a hug haha!! Ok!! Then we were waiting for others to come!! While Diyana and I chatted for awhile then I saw Shu Zhen too!! Haha Went to say hello!! After continue our chat!!!
Then when the time drew near to the show!! My members and I were waiting for some of them to come and we double checked our tickets!! Then two more people hadn't come yet so we waited for them!! Then I thought that one of my cluster friend not coming that day!! Then When I heard his name I was very happy!! =) ok!! We went up first then their tickets we gave it back two tickets to the in charge then we sat down in the Theatre!!
When the show started about 15 mins, this light suddenly became so bright that I couldn't opened my eyes!! Guess what his friend and him were here!! I was like so happy to see him!! haha!! dont why!!
Ok!! The show started!! The show was quite long, when it's time for interval is already about 9 plus in the evening!! Then we took a few photos!! Then contiuned the show!!
The ending part were more interesting then the first one ok!!
Here are picture at the Esplanesde:

I will blog soon!!