Yesterday was very fun but somehow a little bored but still ok la!! I woke up late yesterday so I hurried up myself and prepare!! Then I messaged Ainul and Sabil that I'll be late!! Then went out and took bus at the Little India there then changed to MRT headed to Harbour Front MRT. Walked as fast as I could. When I reached the level 3 I only saw a few people and saw Sabil there took food. Then I saw Ainul and Sabrila, I ran towards them haha!! Ok then we wandered around!! Then I told them I wanted to buy tabbits. Then we went to the Food Court and buy tabbits over there!! The Potato Chip quite ex la!! So ended up I bought to Two potato chip and a Pocky!! Went back and waited for them!! Then he finally came haha!! When I saw him I was a little sad don't know why!!
Slowly more and people came then we had head count then we went into Sentosa!! We took the Tram in, then we reached we had to walk quite a long way, It was tiring but fun!! Then finally we reached to spot where we were and sort us up in groups!! Cluster C with Cluster C they added 3-4 people in our group!! Then they appointed me as a Leader of the group for today I was like "huh" why me?? then my assistant Arief. Then ok lo!! Then we started our Treasure Hunt..
We solved the hint then had gaven us!! One by one we solved!! There's alot of things happened over there haha!! Then when the time about to up!! we ran back there!! And we are the second group to reach!! And the results are: haha, we WON!!! yeah!! so fun!! Then we played another game!! We have to form a number 43 because it's Singapore 43 years old this year!! And the mentor have to think of ideas to help us and we had to close our eyes!! yup!! Then finally we can EAT!!! so hungry!! It was very long winded story!! if you want to know ask me ok!! hehe!! ok!! I'll end here!!
And I'll blog soon!!