It's had been quite a long time since I blog!! haha!! I'm feeling a a little emo today!! Don't know why!! Maybe people who knew the reason and God knows!! It's really had been a tired week for me!! And soon I'll be going for my check up!! hehe!! Dont know what happened haha!! It was great and I got some photos!! That I took last Saturday!! I'll show your ok!!

Can you spot me?? hehe!!!
It was very fun and nice to gang with them!! haha!!
I know that I'm naggy, talkative and ask alots of question la!! Sorry!!
I really have no offences!! Sigh!!
Yesterday, this Lecturer called my handphone!! And asked me to meet @ the Stadium there and gather for the NDP motivator ah!! Cos they wanna give us allowances!! I was "WHAT" allowances!! I thought did this jus for interest and volunteer work!! I was quite shocked!!
The I told ok!! After I went back home to ask Syaiid about the paying thing!! He said only ITE got!! Later poly they all don't have already!! Which mean I can received cash or don't know what la!!
I'm tired!! And Thanks Mr Hari for postoned our BFD Role Play and GOD for EVERYTHING and your answer to me!! Thank you!! Father!!
And my dearest friend too!!
Ok!! I'll stop here and will blog real soon ok!!
Labels: I'll never fall in love again spoke by: Shu Min