6 November 2009 //
0 screams
Hello Everyone!!
Sorry for not blogging for so long... I will start blogging those from Tuesday - Friday!!! =D
Tuesday, 3rd November 09
Anyway i got a job and just started working last Monday...
At first i was stressing myself whether to work or not, and felt a little insecure. But when stepped in, it was a little kecoh because i didn't have my pass to enter and i saw that irritating Auntie called "May" again. So my colleague brought to the security and left my belongings there bcos big and bulky things are nt allow to bring in, to prevent from stealing...
After that, I tried to adapt slowly to my surroundings around me... Slowly I felt that it was very relaxing job and some of my colleagues were friendly and nice. And some totally busybody... Well what to do just have watch what I'm doing... And there were two counter "Lolli" & "Njoii". My counter is "Lolli". It sounds very cute too... haha...
Then started to chat with my colleague. She share with me abt her problem about his sickening boyfriend and her family. Heard from her that she's a egoist person, easily jealous, hit her and doesn't like her to talk to ppl even girls... betul sia gile... selfish who's only think about himself... Haiz... I salute her man! she stil can tahan him for almost 10 mths of BGR... If it was me i would have take renvenge and whether that idiot accept or is nothing to do with me... Haha.. Sorry i sounds hrash opps...
While she told me abt her bf, she also mentioned abt her family that don't care about her... whether she has problem or not but her parents still called her to come back when it is real night.
The way she described and her tears almost flowing out... So as well as her friends @ school doesn't wanna go out with all bcos of her bf easlier jealous... Haiz
I thought about it to myself and I am very bliss to a family that cares whether they threw my stuffs away or not, sisters who showered their love for me like a mother and a father... A mother that love to play games, friendly and new, and a father who always come home late and drunk and when he recovered, he is a very nice and friendly father who doted me... As well as a uncle that showed his support for his family and support them no matter what... who will always remind my sisters and I to be filial to my own father no matter what,
Now then I knew how blissed I be to be... But I didn't know last time... But now I know...
I just thought it through recently, i want to be a good daugther, sister, niece, granddaughter and show care and concern every second and minutes that i can before they disappear one day and never came back...
And friends who are reading this whether good or bad, close or not close friend...
Thank you for entering into my life. Life are full of ups and downs. It's how u face it and dont escape...
Really pleased and thanked i had such wonderful friends around me!! And I'm touched by everything single things...
Thank You Allah for every single bits and pieces things of my life...
Loved you guys so much!!! =D
Ashalina aka Shu Min
ps: Life is puzzle, all broken down into pieces. But you able to fix it, it will be a wonderful memories...
Lessons Learn!!
25 October 2009 //
0 screams
Salaams and hello everyone!!
I'm school now!! But i'm super early today!! Haiz! I thought that today there's CARE lesson. when i messaged Louise
Me: Where u nw?
Louise: I'm at home!
Me: huh? today no CARE lesson meh!
Louise: no lah, If got care Mr Chong will say on Friday.
Me: huh, But i'm in school already! how?
Louise: u late very late, early very early... Don't know hw to say u!!
Yup after that I went to Library for computer but the stupid system reallly stupid... so i went up up MLC for computer. And now i'm typing this for you guys!!
Sorry so long didn't blog!! Haha Happy man!! My Mio internet finally installed but only can use until 1 am but ok lah!!
And also I went to Hadith class @ Darul Arqam. It is a very useful class about Prophet Muhammad (saw).. Also the ustaz his good man!! haha!!
I'll share with your next time. I have to go off for PRN class!!
I will definitely doze off haha!!
Till then
My day, Your day
30 September 2009 //
0 screams
I'm sorry for not blogging for so long.... Due to my internet connection Sorry!! I'm having a grt time in this during but also had up and down...
And like to wish all Muslims a Eid Mubarak & Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin!! :)
Haiz, time again passed so soon!! And now is the month of October!! haha
I would to wish those Otober babies'
A Happy Birthday!! And including me!! haha
Hehe!! Thank you Louise, Felicia & Shirley for your Advance birthday present!! XD
Haha i love it!!
The terapins so cute!! haha jus like me!! opps* xD
haiz getting older and older each year, but old or older life still have to go on.
Because life is only temporay, so no matter what enjoy while u can, learn knowledge and skills while u can... And at the end you will find that LIFE is indeed wonderful and meaningful!! :D
I wonder when the results relisting!! I'm nervous haiz!!
p.s: I will never forget the things that you had told me.... :)
6 August 2009 //
0 screams
I will blog real soon!! Because figuring out how to change blogskin... hehe... sorry for not blog for so long..(:
13 June 2009 //
0 screams
Hello!!Everyone!!! haha sorry for not blogging for so long!!! How r u today everyone!! :)
Wow time passed now it's holiday!! Insya'Allah i can find a job before Ramadan... Ameen
Monday and Tuesday will be my busiest day, because both my class and class AP have to do trial game before the actual one... And also double check with what we need or don't have for last minutes shopping!! Alhamdulillah my class are not involve in Asian Youth Games!! yes ah!! And I'm looking forward after the whole Team building for our Juniors!! Haha!! Then it's time to play!! wakaka!!
Can't wait to play Luge and the skyride haha... yes!!!
Going up to Luge!!
Ready get "GO"!!haha!! Just can't wait to go there and for one ride it is only $11!! Haha!!Haiz... Why are there so many weird people who "unintentionally" like cheat people's feeling!! but the weirdest thing was asked question like eg. Tell me about my "unique personalities" and many more all!!
Let's change subject!!
Well maybe it's time for you to go and find Allah and have fun!! No matter what thank you for letting me taking care of you when it was ur curial period!!Farewell my beloved O.T.M!! I Love you very much!! Though the period of time were short. But it was really nice meeting you... Dear Allah, Thank you for sending him to my life, took care of him when it was his curial moment... Alhumdulillah that he was able to eat and live like a normal terrapin before his death... Though It's sad to see him leave, but i guess he is now in Jannah(Heaven) playing with my previous generations terrapin and swimming too!! right now!! :) love you!!

Cutenya!! O.T.M Love ya and farewell!! Insya'Allah I'll see you there!! :)
All right I'll blog again both ya!! Goodbye and Take Care!!
8 April 2009 //
0 screams
Hi everyone!!Mmm... Where should I start? It happened alot of things at the end of March & beginning of April... Which was like now!!! If I can I really didn't want to face the REALITY... But it's a test God has place us in to overcome all this hardships... I really wanna apologised to My Beloved two sisters who had been helping me to hide to the turth from my Uncle and Grandma... Thank You for always being there when I need both of you... And willingly to help me, stand by me and be by my side... Sorry for all the burdens that i had caused and troubled the both of you... I really didn't your to be with me when Uncle confront me this Saturday... I think I should take the cause of every responsiblities... And still thank you for backing me up!!If really there's one day that both of you couldn't bare it... I shall face it myself and continue moving on... And Thank you for the two friends who had supported me, encourage me... And I know that God will not give us problems that we cannot settle... Insyallah!!!!
But It's just disappointed me that my grandma actually did such a things that are so no logic!!! If you think by throwing my Prayer stuffs and baju away will make me listen and obey... I'm sorry, you are wrong... No matter how many times you wanna throw... My answer will still be the same... Frankly speaking that I'm very2 sad, disappointed, angry and wanted to confront you... But I did not!! Cause no matter what you are still my grandma... And it's really stupid and unlogical to confront... There must be some way...But all I can do is to do Doa and Insyallah that everything will be fine!! And my will power must be strong!!!Ya Allah,
I pray that YOU will grant me with a strong will, protect me, guide me, forgive me, grant me with Knowledge that I can learn things easier and heal me when I'm hurt and also seek you when I need you... And I will always remember what I had owe you... You created me from soil and make everything that PREFECT... I will always remember you presence... Please guide me to the STRAIGHT PATH!!!
And I'm going to Batam this coming Friday!! And I'll be looking towards it!! Before the REALITY shows up... Insyallah!!
10 March 2009 //
0 screams
Personality Test
Try out this interesting personality test at http://www.quizbox.com/personality/test82.aspx and see how well the description fits you. Tag 10 people.
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.