Today is Mid-Autumn Festival!
25 September 2007
Today was Mid-Autumn Festival! It was so so fun!! Bcos we got to spend one last time with my good friends before our IA (Industrial Attachment) start. So we went Picnic @ East Coast Park. I met two of them @ Boon Keng MRT Control Station. Then my other friend came in a very fast mode haha. Cos we said whoever is late have to drink. Humph although she was the last one to come but the wasn't up yet!! arr!! after that we made our way to Parkway Parade to meet our other friend. After that we started walking to my dear SEA haha!! We set up, put our mats and start to eat. ohoh it was so nice. We have sandwitches i made one haha! Then snacks & drinks. The sandwitch included Tuna, eggs, ham, chips and some Sasa sauce. Then that 3 of my friends went cycling, then two of us playing the sea water. I was quite scared cos i'm afriad later got biten by Jellyfish yucks! But when i went in, it was so comfortable n when we went deeper the water is cold so cool! We played for about 2 hours. I stepped on seashell or something hard. It was quite scarely. But not really that long la in the middle we went back to the shore to have some food. I enjoyed the blowing of the wind. Love it. Then we started packing when they came back we sat on the brench. We went to wash ourselve up!! Then we took some photos ya haha!! Really enjoy myself alot thanks Louise for organised this lovely picnic!! I will update the pictures soon!! Labels: Shu Min (中秋节): 23.52
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I created a blog
20 September 2007
Hey guys!
I created a blog haha.. Just don't know why.. so suddenly.
Ya but anyway pls go link me!!
Miss Drama=p
Shu Min

Labels: Bloggy
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