30 July 2008 //
0 screams
It's had been quite a long time since I blog!! haha!! I'm feeling a a little emo today!! Don't know why!! Maybe people who knew the reason and God knows!! It's really had been a tired week for me!! And soon I'll be going for my check up!! hehe!! Dont know what happened haha!! It was great and I got some photos!! That I took last Saturday!! I'll show your ok!!

Can you spot me?? hehe!!!
It was very fun and nice to gang with them!! haha!!
I know that I'm naggy, talkative and ask alots of question la!! Sorry!!
I really have no offences!! Sigh!!
Yesterday, this Lecturer called my handphone!! And asked me to meet @ the Stadium there and gather for the NDP motivator ah!! Cos they wanna give us allowances!! I was "WHAT" allowances!! I thought did this jus for interest and volunteer work!! I was quite shocked!!
The I told ok!! After I went back home to ask Syaiid about the paying thing!! He said only ITE got!! Later poly they all don't have already!! Which mean I can received cash or don't know what la!!
I'm tired!! And Thanks Mr Hari for postoned our BFD Role Play and GOD for EVERYTHING and your answer to me!! Thank you!! Father!!
And my dearest friend too!!
Ok!! I'll stop here and will blog real soon ok!!
Labels: I'll never fall in love again spoke by: Shu Min
27 July 2008 //
0 screams
Yesterday was very fun but somehow a little bored but still ok la!! I woke up late yesterday so I hurried up myself and prepare!! Then I messaged Ainul and Sabil that I'll be late!! Then went out and took bus at the Little India there then changed to MRT headed to Harbour Front MRT. Walked as fast as I could. When I reached the level 3 I only saw a few people and saw Sabil there took food. Then I saw Ainul and Sabrila, I ran towards them haha!! Ok then we wandered around!! Then I told them I wanted to buy tabbits. Then we went to the Food Court and buy tabbits over there!! The Potato Chip quite ex la!! So ended up I bought to Two potato chip and a Pocky!! Went back and waited for them!! Then he finally came haha!! When I saw him I was a little sad don't know why!!
Slowly more and people came then we had head count then we went into Sentosa!! We took the Tram in, then we reached we had to walk quite a long way, It was tiring but fun!! Then finally we reached to spot where we were and sort us up in groups!! Cluster C with Cluster C they added 3-4 people in our group!! Then they appointed me as a Leader of the group for today I was like "huh" why me?? then my assistant Arief. Then ok lo!! Then we started our Treasure Hunt..
We solved the hint then had gaven us!! One by one we solved!! There's alot of things happened over there haha!! Then when the time about to up!! we ran back there!! And we are the second group to reach!! And the results are: haha, we WON!!! yeah!! so fun!! Then we played another game!! We have to form a number 43 because it's Singapore 43 years old this year!! And the mentor have to think of ideas to help us and we had to close our eyes!! yup!! Then finally we can EAT!!! so hungry!! It was very long winded story!! if you want to know ask me ok!! hehe!! ok!! I'll end here!!
And I'll blog soon!!

25 July 2008 //
0 screams
Hello!! Everyone!! Time passed really very fast!! So fast it's already friday night!! And next week I have alot of exam OFA and I worse exam is the NAFA!! erm!! Why must they changed the running track??? I want the old running track!! The new are so troublesome and long distance!!! ok!!
So far this week was alright and I got my OFA result and I am really very shocked as well. Because I got A+!! Oh goodness and thanks Father too!!!=) I got photos from Louise. It was about we last Monday went to the Sungei Buloh Nature Park there and we took some photos!!

And tomorrow I have no training but I will be going to sentosa for CLUSTER outing with Cluster B & our cluster C!!
Hope it would fun!!! I will treasure every moment that we have!!!
Labels: Time After Time spoke by: Shu Min
22 July 2008 //
0 screams
It's been a fulfilled week for me!! Last Saturday I had lots of fun with my cluster members!! And as well as stupid of me or should I said "greedy"???
Ok!! Last Monday, I woke up quite early because we were going to buy 11 tickets for "The Dark Night". Suhaili, Faiz, Prema, Eunice, Shermaine, Sheela, Shazana, Ana, Louise, Irzah and me!!
It was a great movie but I a little unsatisfied about the ending!! HAHA!! But overall was ok!!
Then after bought the tickets, We went for a One and Half hour of BFD lesson. Then suddenly when were released to go for our breaks, my study came so suddenly but I couldn't sigh!! ok!! then we went to buy some tabbits to bring to the bus and eat!! As we were having a Class Trip to Sungei Buloh. Ya!! then after buying all the tabbits, we sat down there at the Amphereite Theater. It was about telling us to smoke or to have sex at young age!!
Then when the MC asked a few questions Irzah, Shazana and me got the prize. It was a Luge Voucher! Ya we made our way to Sungei Buloh. It was fun and nice but the bad part was it was raining and dizzying.
So we took some pictures and managed to have 20 minutes walk so short. But it was really nice going there. Kept in touch with the Nature, the wind and etc.. Then when returned to the shelter I had a suddenly of singing Where I Belong and Home haha!! It was really fun!! Then as we were waiting for the rain turned down alittle we went to the Cafe. Ana and me bought a packet of fish food and sprinted around the food and I saw my favourite reptiles "The Terapines" haha!!
Then when we reached school, it was about 4.45pm then we reached to TM to catch our movie!! Lousie, Irzah and I went there. A few minutes later they arrvied and went to buy popcorns and nacohos and drinks!! Louise went back first!! Then we continued to watch and stay about 2 and 1/2 hours. And we seperated our way home!!
And today at worked I didn't know why I got 6 sales haha!! yeah!!
And the saddest thing was after two more actual show. NDP will be over and I will miss him and everyone at my cluster!! sigh!! But we are going to SENTOSA yeah!!
ok!! I'll blog soon bye!!
Labels: Your My Sunshine spoke by: Shu Min
17 July 2008 //
0 screams
Erm I not sure what to blog?? Maybe I'll talked about my magic box show!! Ok!! Last Tuesday, I went back home after school about 3plus. then I hurried up my to go take a break then had a bath!!! Then got to doll up after I watched TV for awhile!! While I walked around at home, my Grandma suddenly asked me this shocking question!! She asked "Why I wear so nice!! Is it going on date??". I was like "WHAT". No la then we laughed together!! WAHAHA!!
Ok then I left home at 6.45pm. Waited for bus to go there. Then when I reached Esplanade, then went up to the eslcalator to the Lobby. Then I saw Chloe haha!! Cos I was kinda for 10 mins!! Then when I first was my cluster member Diyana and one forgot his name!! I was like so happy!! And ran there and gave her a hug haha!! Ok!! Then we were waiting for others to come!! While Diyana and I chatted for awhile then I saw Shu Zhen too!! Haha Went to say hello!! After continue our chat!!!
Then when the time drew near to the show!! My members and I were waiting for some of them to come and we double checked our tickets!! Then two more people hadn't come yet so we waited for them!! Then I thought that one of my cluster friend not coming that day!! Then When I heard his name I was very happy!! =) ok!! We went up first then their tickets we gave it back two tickets to the in charge then we sat down in the Theatre!!
When the show started about 15 mins, this light suddenly became so bright that I couldn't opened my eyes!! Guess what his friend and him were here!! I was like so happy to see him!! haha!! dont why!!
Ok!! The show started!! The show was quite long, when it's time for interval is already about 9 plus in the evening!! Then we took a few photos!! Then contiuned the show!!
The ending part were more interesting then the first one ok!!
Here are picture at the Esplanesde:

I will blog soon!!
12 July 2008 //
0 screams
I jus came back home one hour ago from NDP!! HAHA!! Today NDP was really FUN and I enjoyed it!! Although last week was sucks but at least this week was better. Yum!! Yum!! They gave us some sweets and jelly to give to the P5 students!! Oh my!! Some of were very hyper and some were quite rude by the way they talked!!! I felt like slapping them man!! haha!! JK!! Then I mingled around with some of the students and gave out sweet!! They were so hyper when o took out my sweet and jelly!! haha!! When we went back to our holding area!!
We were all so exhausted and they gave new water and gave ice cream and mango jelly from desert then our dinner was nice and got my favourite "Chicken DRUMSTICK". HAHA!! I'm like so happy and the sausages were somehow sour so I didn't finish that.... Amazing!! huh!! haha!! And Thank God that no body fell sick or fainted haha!! After dinner our mentor gave out the Star light, it was so big and nice!! If only the light have all the colours!! hah. Yesterday my very first day of work was great!! My trainer was nice!!
As well as my colleagues around me!! Then after the training, my supervisor asked me to sit next to one of my senior!! And when I started calling one customer after another. Then there was this person called Lee something can't remember! it's suppose to be a guy then auntie picked up the phone then after I talked for a few sentences, she started complaining about me, insulted me. And whatever bullshit she said. Then she was too angry at me. Never mind whatever!! But I think I’m at fault too I should had speak and explained properly. I will get the change!!
Hoho!! Yesterday I got back my Business Fundamental result! Guess what!! After I missed out a 8 marks questions and some mistake!! Haha I got an “A”. When I heard Mr Ghazli announced my results!! My reaction was like I opened my mouth and eyes wide and looked at Louise and Irzah!! And congratulations Louise you also got an “A”.
I must carry on working and maintain my Bfd grade!! Haha!!
And I have free ticket to go and watch Magic Box!!
And thank you God for everything!!
Ok I will blog soon!!
Labels: No matter what obstacle I must try and try again spoke by: Shu Min
Hey!! So fast holiday end already!!! I need more holiday and I'm still in a holiday mood lo!! Sigh!! I found a job le!! But haven't yet go for interview. I found the job in newspaper the i wrote it down on a piece of paper, It's called the "My Job List". Haha!! So Tuesday must go for interview at 2pm!! haha!!
Louise and Shirley object me going to work!! Because they afriad that my studies will flung!! I at first also don't want to work but whenever I asked for pocket money I will feel very useless and sad.. You know the feeling in your heart. It is so miserable!! And don't know what to do!! I know is normal to ask money from your parents or siblings but sometimes they will give you those faces. It's just make me sad and I can't take it!! Anyway thank you so much!! Love you two!!Haha
Yesterday NDP was all right la!! But still bored somehow cause i have nobody to talk too!! And I have two tickets plus another cause my friends family and friends busy so she gave it to me!! Ya and yesterday food sucks until people sick and one if them faint. I will shocked but there all right now!!
So sian tomorrow going to start school already!! And NAFA coming I don't running and somemore six round the stupid track T_T!!!
Haha!! ok I will share your some of my latest pictures taken by me:
Here enjoy!!

And tomorrow is Youth Day lo!! But we don't have holiday!! Where got like that one!! I want my Youth day holiday!!
Labels: Everyday is wonderful spoke by: Shu Min