10 March 2009 //
0 screams
Personality Test
Try out this interesting personality test at http://www.quizbox.com/personality/test82.aspx and see how well the description fits you. Tag 10 people.
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Salaam and Hi everyone!!
I'm back once again...
Finally exams are over... But I'm bored man!!xD
Seriously don't know what to do during the holidays?
And before I start working? mmm...
But I guess, I just have to use my little small brain and think...Wahaha
Or probably will be busy going to and fro to Darul Arqam as there are events coming!!
Those who are interested pls... note me for enquiries** @ my Tagbox...
Bcos my phone lost so ya!! sad!!
Sigh... Seriously nowadays kids are getting more and more cunning, wicked, irritating, dishonset Spoil bred and many more... But i know not all are like that...hehe
I seriously can remembered that girl man who stole my phone... Although I know that Assumption is a sin in Islam... But I confirm plus grantees chop it's her... Somemore with her mother... But nevermind I pity them la... Cos everything happened for a reason=)
I like this poem from this Sister of mine...
I knew her threw Alif Music...
And wrote many beautiful poems or quote...
And I wanted to share!!!
"A Reason, A Season or a Lifetime……………
I have abridged some inspirational quotes to dedicate to all my friends.
May Allah guide us in His Light of Truth…………..
If someone comes into your life for a REASON,
They will guide you, support you, and aid you
Emotionally, physically and most of all spiritually
But without any shortcomings on your part
They will bring the relationship to an end
If someone comes into your life for a SEASON,
Your time has come to learn, to grow, to share
They will give you the peace, the joy, the lessons of life
But they come only for a while As they are for a season
If someone comes into your life for LIFETIME relationship
You will have a secure foundation
Build with joys and sorrows shared together
With love and care build on solid foundation
Sharing and forgiving no matter what happens
But most of all, loving one another for Allah
Together …….being lovers of Allah………..
Thank you so much for being a part of my life,
Whether you are a REASON, a SEASON or a LIFETIME"…………..
~Nur Sakinah Thomas~
4 March 2009 //
0 screams
It's me!! Hahaha!! 4 more days to exam.... I'm quite nervous...Cos i don't know whether my head can squeeze in the whole book of POM or not haha... But i must definitely try...
Yesterday I didn't go to school bcos only 1h of POM lesson n also I'm late so didn't go school... Instead I went to the Changi Airport to study and emo!!! hehe
Because I can't stay my house cooking or this or that.... so I went to Terminal 1 and to make sure that there isn't sign of him but thankful there wasn't sign of him...
Before I began my studies... I went to browse around for food... And I decided to eat at Kiliney Kopitiam... I ordered Laksa and a cup of Milo... U know how much does it cost... $5.60!!! OMG!! The Milo drink so little not even full and the ice gave me so many... The Laksa tasted horrible...very oily, no cockles...etc... I still love QI JI laksa and spring roll the best... haha
How I wish that there is a new branch for QI JI... haha
Then stop I went to a cafe, where last time I sent my Godma that cafe... It was so much better... I seated and went to order a Ice Lemon Tea and Cookies... and It's cost me $12.80... I hate one thing about that Cafe was they don't accept NETS... So i went to draw out money...
And I enjoy my Soft my cute cookies...Cookies is Loved!!x)
The air - conditional getting much colder and colder... So I went to buy another cup of Hot Coco... Nice... I like the milk bubbles... hehe
So around 4.30pm... I went to this shop @ Changi airport... and browsed from Newspaper... haha... Then I came across the card section I read it... And I almost cried... haha... Cos the way they described is like so touching and meaningful... while reading of cos i thought of him... So I decided to buy the card and keep haha... that's very dumb... but okok lah... I love to shop @ the airport where we doesn't have to pay the stupid GST.... haha...
So ya... Then I went to the Viewing Mall... I thought stuff about last time I used to went there standing there and listened to what he talked and etc... Haha...
About 5pm... I went to Terminal 3, as usual lah.... Jln here and there.... And hoping to find a Birthday Present for my friend... I seriously like the accessories over there @ CHOMEL... The Earrings, Brooches....& etc... so nice... hehe
After that... went up the Viewing Mall where there were branches & etc... to kill time...
When going down I saw a White colour top lady... And haha... I saw Kelly... yap had a short Hello and chatted then separated... Then I went to down to the escalator... After that took Bus 24 to AMK Hub... And I bought some groceries back... to prepare to try to stay @ hm study... hehe
Then took bus 133 home haha...
I felt sometimes you don't really need a friend to accompany you do things like shopping n etc... Cos sometime to need to spend time alone @ somewhere to reflect about things... n etc... haha ya...
But I didn't say we no need a friend la...
Some quote by me::
"Every time when the clock stride 12 midnight, a new day, new beginning, a new start and a new experience".
"Cherish ppl ard you whether u like him/her or not... cos u nvr know when the person will appear".
So I wanna apologise to everyone out there whether you like or not....
Do you have any???
The card that I bought... for fun!!
My favorite**>
PS: paruisloved!!x)
2 March 2009 //
0 screams
Hi everyone!!! So far my studies still ok!! But need to put in more extra hardwork... Ya today I got my results exclude FINAL term...
Incourse : B
Common Test: C
Project: B
So (common test+project)
I got a "B".
So must study real hard to pull up my marks... Insyallah..
Haiz... Now I'm feeling so empty, sad&lost...
I think it's becos he is going to Vietnam tml for excursion with his schoolmates n teachers...
Because whenever he's goin to somewhere out of Singapore... I'll always think that his migrating... Then i will be very sad and tears starting flow from my eyes...haiz
I don't know what to do... I have the urge to go and just see him from far and then i'll go off... haiz
Although I know that he'll be back on Friday but I dont what time... I'm sure a silly girl!!
but what to do... I'm making things difficult for myself but i jus couldn't help it!!
But I think i have more important things to do!! I will just pray for him. Hope that He will enjoy n save trip!!
I received a very shocking news!!!
I heard from my Elder Sister that one of my junior committed suicide... And he was my Junior back in Choir days... Although I didn't talk to him much but I knew him... Now he's passed away...
"Life is unpredictable n fragile"
"We mustn't take our life for granted"
"In every problems/ obstacles there will be a answer, reasons for you to find out!!"
Because Allah knows our desires, intentions, movements, our thinking and etc...
Life are indeed beautiful if we know how to do find and look for it...
I found this in a website called "AlifMusic"...
Where you will must wonderful Muslims Bro n Sis...
Here are some pics:

PS: "Cherish every hour, every minutes and every second while we can before it's too late."